CleanBelly Underbody Wash
Many sites with heavy vehicles and equipment spend a lot of time cleaning the underside of their vehicles so service technicians can have clear access. Cleaning this way is time consuming and expensive.
We developed the CleanBelly to make this process easier and more efficient.
Whether for mine site LV wash, quarry exit cleaning or washing underbodies prior to servicing, the CleanBelly is a cost effective and quickly deployed solution.
Many sites have existing washbays and don’t need addditional infrastructure to automate their underbody washing.
With the CleanBelly system you simply place the equipment, make connections and start washing.
Ideal for simplified LV washing on mine sites, construction and quarry site exits and any other vehicles that face rapid build up of gross solids.
Package Includes:
- Includes 7.5kw Grundfoss pressure pump
- Pressure and suction side plumbing included
- Electrical control panel
- Isolation switch.
- Low level protection
- Auto-start sensor
- Liquid filled pressure gauge
- All stainless steel nozzles
- Clear assembly and install instructions
- All steel components hot-dip galved